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In 1994 April 12th to be exact my Chiropractor gave me what I call my "Twist of Fate" On the table she adjusted my neck first to the left & then...... she didn't kill me or paralyze me but she crippled me for life quite bluntly. She shoved the disk at C4 & C5, 3 mm's into my spinal column (column not spinal cord) completely cutting off the flow of spinal fluid on the right side. It felt like a lightening bolt coming from my neck down my arms & out my fingertips & sat up & screamed. Ya know when you get a basketball smack on the nose your eyes start tearing? Magnify that by a Zillion times ...... & I started hyperventilating, I was in shock shaking like a vibrator overcharged.
To make this as short as I can. I had spinal fusion of cervical spine on May 24 1994 took a year to heal after that operation & it was hell pure & simple. Went back to work for about 1 1/2 years & then took off for 9 months on state family leave of absence to take my mother to my home to help her recover after a major stroke paralyzing her on the right side of her body & disabling her vocal cords. We did really well. She regained the use of her body & voice & enjoyed the 9 months together so very much. On Feb 12 1996 she died in my arms. It was a gentle death she went into synodic breathing. I was encouraging her breathe. Do not be sad it was a beautiful thing so complete a perfect circle.
Two months after that I started having problems a bump appeared on the right side of the right foot. This bump was a concentration of white corpuscles which I discovered 2 years later is the point where the kidney meridians join & is sourcing from the shoulder or shawl area. 3 1/2 years & 34 doctors(over 50 now I stopped counting lol) later it all boils down to I am told to have spinal fusion again. At the c3 & c4 level I have a impingement of 3 mm & at c5 & c6 a subluxation of 2mm.
Well when they fuse the spine they take out the disk & take a piece of bone from your hip bone & wedge it in.
What the Jerks don't tell you is with fusion of the cervical spine IOW the neck that they cut the nerve =OFF= and do not re-attach the nerve as they do with spinal fusion of the Thoracic, Lumbar & Sacrum. How in the hell do they expect for the body to function with no communication lines from the brain? These Doctors¿? could careless they figure they have a cash cow for life!
They think I am gonna let them cut 2 more major nerves off of my wiring harness!
Fllllll'ck You!
I'll do some whacking of my own!
So I'm going for Neuralyn™ treatment on:
July 12 1999
Read about it here if you are interested.
Neuralyn™ Treatment
I have also documented some of the Neuralyn information on this page. In case the Neuralyn Website is taken down. Currently the FDA is investigating Neuralyn. My heart breaks for those who could be helped so much by this product and now cannot get the treatment that they need.
To Doctor Tom Vigil I still believe in you and in Neuralyn. My prayers are with you.
Neuralyn Info in part
Unfortunately the "FDA Thugs" have been successful in stifling this great healing gift. Beverly Vigil has been incarcerated and Tom is no where to be found.
It's in God's hands. I believe there is a purpose for everything. I think this is why I have been put threw so much pain. To help people to educate themselves on their bodies. Take a active role in your own healing. Perhaps to help get this product to the people who need it so badly
After all:
"You have everything to lose and everything to gain!"
As Shari says : "It's a God Thing!" Meaning the way we were brought together And she is right, it is a God thing.
I never have understood the ways of the G-Man. But whatever the reasons truly are it is a bigger picture that I am a part of.
Hey, so who am I to argue with fate?
I helped her & her Husband with a lot of different things & they in turn are helping me to heal.
I would say that's a pretty good deal! Wouldn't you?
A lot of dynamics working here.Quite amazing really.
The Motto I have developed from going threw all of this?
"When faced with adversity"
"Laugh at the Bastard!"
Bwahahaha! Take that Beastie Boyz!

The Importance of Documentation
Keeping a Medical Manual

To all seeking the path back to health I cannot stress enough the importance of documenting as much as you can about your condition. Do yourself, your love ones a favor and start a medical manual on your health today. Take this with you every time you see a new doctor. Have a copy for the new doc as well.
I have mine indexed for easy sourcing of documents.
If this new doctors scoffs at your manual on your health I suggest you get up and walk out of that office never to return.
They are not interested in helping you to heal. They are only interested in getting paid. I have had 4 or 5 doctors thank me for being so well prepared.
This manual not only helps you to get the best treatment from your doctor. It helps the doctor understand more about your condition. It also removes the process of every darn doctor wanting to do the same tests you have already had done over and over again.
Which makes for a much happier you.
Never forget that doctors are people. They are not Gods.
They are not always right either.
The Key is to work with your doctor and your doctor work with you so together you can come up with a winning team. The first visit with a new doctor is an interview of sorts. Remember that you =always= have the choice of "Hiring" or "firing" this doctor. Your not _stuck_ with anyone. It's your choice. It's your quality of life that is one the line here. You deserve the very best so be picky!

Index Table of Contents
My Manual of My Health

Tue, Jun 15, 1999
Doctor Wong - Urine culture & blood
Dates 8-10-98 & 6-10-98
Bladder infection that didn't cure.
I finally did cure it with colloidal Silver
Doctor Privitera 5-27-98 Blood panel
Hair anal also what was in the shots
that I believe triggered shingles
Primivera Expose'
Nancy Godfrey 9-12-96 blood panel
Urine - Bone Scan done on 4-15-97
Bone spurs in both 3rd &4th toe bones. In the ball of the foot area
James Leo Underling who no longer works for Doctor Leo
HB's AB May 26-98
Check Thyroid -diagnosis depression because he lost my file, think he is a Flaming JERK!
Wanted to put me on happy happy prosaic pills.
So I wouldn't ask so many questions
Blood Typing , what flavor I am
A couple of emails , with questions concepts-what I think the matter was. Now we know it is the CNS Fusion at C4 -C5 & impediment of 3 mm C3 & C4 & sublacsion of 2 mm at C5 & C6
Information on Stealth Virus could be the reason for all the CNS problems. Stealth virus origin could be Viral Spinal Meningitis
Neurologist Doc Horostein - Evaluations on MRI's of Cervical, Brain, Lumbar Sac EMG & evaluation on me. Rules out Lupus in this evaluation.
Doctor Uller Endocrinology full blood panel
Steven Scheuer Urology IVP-CMG Tests
Shows nerve damage to signal transmitting from Brain to bladder & bowels. Also shows Kidneys to be in good condition. Bladder is=to a quad's in his evaluation. Bladder max is 100 cc's normal bladder holds 300 to 350 cc's Also I have 25 cc of residual urine at all times.

2000 B.C. Here, eat this root.
1000 A.D. That root is bad.Here, say this prayer.
1850 A.D. That prayer is superstition. Here, drink this potion.
1940 A.D. That potion is snake oil. Here, swallow this pill.
1985 A.D. That pill is ineffective. Here, take this antibiotic.
2000 A.D. That antibiotic doesn't work anymore.
"Here, eat this root..."

Current Symptoms
Date June 16th 1999

Neurologic/spasmodic Bladder
Edema all over the body. Some days are good some are way worse than others.
Constantly changing vision
Right eye scar like tissue on Iris side towards nose.
CFS=extremely low energy
"Charley Horses"=muscle spasiums. Usually start in the feet. They can progress to all over the body including internal organs which scares me. Sometimes these sessions will last for 3 days or more without relief. I would carry a pillow around with me to scream into as I walked around the rooms of my top floor of my home with my dog following me. The only way to get the muscles to let go is to put body weight on my limbs. I refused to take pain meds. My body is telling me something well screaming at me really and I want to hear it. Yes even if it means I in turn scream into a pillow for 72 hours off and on.. Very painful!
*Update* September 24Th, 1999
Since completing my 1st 2 week session of 3 July 27 th 1999. I have in the past 2 months had only 5 evenings with the muscle spasiums like the ones I had experienced documented in the previous paragraph. One out of those 5 was of the same intensity. However the duration of the spasiums has been greatly reduced. Now they only last 4 to 6 hours. Big improvement over 3 days in a row or more.
RAH !!!
Also spasiums are localized to the feet and from the knee down.Only one of these 5 instances where my hands as well as my lower legs where in spasium. I had pushed my body past what I should have, working at one of my income properties.
Silly Tard that I can be at times LOL
Occasional Migraine Headaches- as of late they have been in the right forehead area.
I have from time to time experienced a electrical type jolt that goes thru my whole body several in one night as many as six in 2 hour period. Then I also will not have these jolts for a month or more.
Very painfilled feet. Really tender & sore all of the time. Some days I can't handle massage it hurts to much. Sore & tight up through my calf muscles. Feet are most tender on the bottom of arch & balls of feet. The body of the feet are sore & tight in the 2nd 3rd & 4th toes area in both feet.
Sweat profusely from head to toe doing minimal tasks, like getting dressed. Never use to sweat much at all. If I am working in the garden I sweat so badly that my clothes will be soaked & sweat will drip off of my nose if bent over. So I work in the garden at dusk when it is cooler. Doesn't seem to help much still sweat like this.
Lower back pain. Restricts my activity if not stops it completely on some occasions.
I have noticed that my personal smell has changed & keeps on changing. Also that I have a much more oilily complexion. My Hair starts to get greasy if I don't wash it every day.Also have had my face break-out like a teenager. Mostly in the chin & temple areas of the face. I never had a problem with this as a teenager.
Muscle soreness in the shoulder areas. Right side more than left. Have had days where the right shoulder is up markedly. Like the tendons are to tight. Massage allows the shoulder to drop into normal position. Some times it sources from the fusion area of c4 & c5, I can feel like a cord that is to tight from the neck on the right side to the shoulder.
All over muscle soreness. Sometimes it hurts to breathe.
Occasional trouble with clear thought process. Rare, but does happen from time to time.
Tremmors all over the face and shakes threw out the body. Lips eyelids most predominate. Voice shakes pretty badly.
*Update* September 24Th, 1999
Since completing my 1st 2 week session of 3 July 27th 1999. The temmors in my face and the vibrating voice have not returned at all!
RAH !!!
*Blood Test & My current path of healing

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~Twist of Fate~