Blood Test & Current Path of Treatment

Neuralyn Session #2
I go for round 2 for 2 more weeks on the 17th of this month threw the 31 st....(October 17-31 1999)
I am having colonics currently 1 time a week. Neuralyn treatments 2 times a week given by Shari.
I am detoxing =heavily= very very very painful & gross also. Can't seem to get much done. Pain in feet and legs is enormous. Left knee is very pain filled and is oddly swollen , kinda lumpy LOL. Both knees have allot of edema and in this area & it seems to never go away. Bending the knees is difficult. Range of motion is greatly diminished between 25%-75% reduced. Hard to put on shoes and socks.
I had a blood test 2 weeks ago and it showed very high toxic levels of the liver readings. They think mercury poisoning but this is from childhood or so I have been told is the norm.
SGOT/ALT...53...normal-range = 0-45
SGPT/ALT...99...normal-range = 0-45
GGTP......191...normal-range = 1-70
Cholesterol....287...normal-range = 130-200
Triglyceride...160...normal-range = 30-150
(This was 400-600 two years ago)
LDL-Cholesterol.203...normal-range = < 130
Doctors don't seem that concerned with these high readings. They say it is understandable with the rest of the other readings.
These blood readings are of great concern on the other hand.
What this means is that I have to many red blood cells. No I don't have aids. But my lymph and adrenal systems are greatly impaired from the prolonged illness and a totally screwed up chemical balance I am a " bio hazard " tethered by skin. See whut happens when the A-hole shuts up ! That's why they put A-holes in charge they get the sh*t out ! LOL Every part of me is soaking in pee & poop. I am and have been, very ill on a cellular level for about 2 years now. I can't get =any= doctor to hook me up with a catheter. The reason is law suits. Damn it that makes me so !@*$!@#$% mad I could spit nails. I may have to go to phreak'n Mexico to have that done. All I am trying to do is to get the pee and poop out of me so the Neuralyn can work at full strength. Nerves are soft tissue and I'm like a vat of acid housing rubber parts and the rubber parts are getting more brittle as time goes on. Causing more and more problems. My kidneys are holding out thank Gawd. Sore as hell though. Can't do much of anything without putting myself in bed for days. My eyes have turned from green to brown floating in a sea of yellow haze. Guess what I am full of ? LOL J/K Colonics are helping.Getting out =allot= of toxins each colonic session. No more bladder infections from the 25cc of residual urine I have at all times. I cured that myself with colloidal silver.
So the Neuralyn is helping. No more tremors in the face or the voice. I am looking forward to this second session in producing great leaps and bounds of improvements.
I just wish that the " Medical world " would listen to me and install a faucet so I could get the pee out !
Yes I saw Christina Choi for about 9-10 months. Traditional chinese and one of the very best in the US. She couldn't get my triple warmer to respond. My Chi is blocked in several places. She couldn't understand it .Then I found out what they do when they fuse the spine. They cut the nerve off. Eastern Medicine never operates on the spine. So she couldn't get past the blockage. There is no way for Christina to rebuild the CNS = central nervous system. But Neuralyn can.
