
Moonster & the Webbies
big trip to Utah !
Neuralyn Nipp'n Moonster™
Sunday July 11 th 1999 - I arrive in Utah.
Monday July 12 th, 1999
Sent message From: MOONDOGEE@webtv.net
(<*(((\<) Date: Mon, Jul 12, 1999,
Subject: Moonie Neuralyn nipper - Live from
Well Hi !
The front desk just woke me up with a fruit
basket LOL , thank'n Yew Buthar Dearest just
what the Doc wants me to do eat fruit !
No Gals you can't have him he is all mine!
Bless his sweet fart'n heart !
Spent all day at the Neuralyn Clinic.
Got video taped, got interviewed filled out more
papers than the Whitehouse during watergate !
What struck me the hardest was
talking with all the people in the waiting
area-patients most of them. The amount of
people who were quads in wheelchairs who upon
hearing there stories of what was wrong with
them and how it happened had injuries at the
C4 or the C5 area. OMG almost every one that
was in a chair had a break at c4 or c5 ! When
talking to the staff I was told that my condition
was far more hell to go threw then a quad. Much
to my amazement quite honestly. I was listening
to the stories and talking note of the
limitations each one had and thanking God that I
was not in a chair.The reason that my case is
more difficult is because you can't pin point it.
So most Doc's mis-diagnosis and some kill with
their cures. Geee I think I remember Screaming
that a few times and almost becoming a statistic
to support that fact ! You guys listened to me
and without your support and my pig headedness I
wouldn't be here to bend the statistics for the
pig heads ! RAH!
Thanks are not enough and words are thieves in
life challenges as rough as this has been for
Take a bow one and all !
How did it feel ?
The big Question !
Well I layed down for about 30 mins and then
walked about 2 blocks to a grocery store and
bought food and got cash. The walk over there I
was without pain ! I felt like I was walking
super erect and my mind seemed clear and
rested.Also my eyes felt wide open vision was
better than usual. Then in the store about 1 hour
after the first treatment the pain started
drifting back. That ok , so don't say booooo
quite yet . This is normal. Until the body is
saturated with the neuralyn and then we force
feed it more with every treatment it will take
longer for the pain to return until the pain
doesn't come back any more! Sweet Jesus won't
that be wonderful !
The Doc also told me as he was writing the
evaluation that he felt that the Stealth Virus
stemming from Spinal Meng. was a very probable
core cause and that is what caused the damage to
be done by the DC. That the D.C. has been trained
NOT TO Adjust the spine until one year after
recovery from Spinal Meng.
So it 's looking good already.
The Staff and the Patients in particular are
wonderful, " up " and a healing force. A
inspiration to all.
The Quads bless there hearts are amazen !
Such spirit and love of life.
I am in good hands , really the best around.
Don't worry, I be coming home better if not all
fixed okay ! RAH!!!!!
Hugz 2 all,
Moon'n Mormon Salt Shaker
Tuesday July 13th, 1999
Sent message From:
Date: Tue, Jul 13, 1999, 5:02pm
Subject: Day 2 Neuralyn
Ms. Moe Writes
( Y )"n Un Writes
Such spirit and love of life. I am in good hands,
really the best around.
Don't worry, I be coming home better if not all
fixed okay>>
Ms. Moe:
Glad to hear the news feels good so far.
That of course is all that matters.
I am interested to know if the quadriplegics
are expected to actually feel good enough to
walk at the end of this.
What is their anticipated "cure" supposed to
look like? Good God, they must surely be in
a hell of another sort. Yours is bad enough,
but to have been rendered totally paralyzed
by this is surely a fate no one deserves.
Of course, I admit I can't imagine this is
supposed to cure paralysis so what is their
expected cure supposed to look like?
We know what yours will be, but thank
God--you are not totally handicapped by
it. This has the tone of a horror movie
doesn't it?
Fran wants to know how the treatments feel
and how long they take. Here is my responses
to both.
Keep in mind that these women Ms Moe in
particular are very ill.
Moe's spine is collaping and she is on
morphine 90 mgs a day.
Ms Moe Passed on around the New Year 2002. She will be dearly missed & is loved by all that had the privilege of knowing her.
I got this information from this page:
Age: 30, Sex: M, Condition: PARAPALEGIC DUE
Duration: 2 years.
Patient is a paraplegic with abnormal
urination (is catheterized), bowel movements,
and extremely limited lower extremity
mobility. Patient also experiences chronic
and excruciating back pain.
Treatment: NEURALYN was infiltrated
peridermally over fourteen continuous days,
twice per day at the levels of supra orbital,
infra orbital, chin points, and at the areas
of the carotid artery bilaterally.
It was also applied to the intervertebral
spaces and dorsal and lumbar regions, as well
as down the course of the femoral arteries
bilaterally. Each infiltration was 0.005 ml.
One month after initial treatment, patient
had gained control of bodily functions and
was able to stand and walk with the use of a
walker. Back pain was eliminated.
Follow-up will be conducted at three,
six and nine month intervals or until patient
is fully ambulatory.
Everyone responds differently to the
So the answer is YES !
SOME PARAPALEGICS are walking again.
Yes Some MS patients are doing far better
with Treatment. However some are
experiencing some relief of pain.
That in it self is a miracle to most .....eh
Spinal meng. patients are getting GREAT
results !
Also ostoperousis patients are getting a
increase in bone mass of 20% and rising !
RAH !!!!
Here is an image I " borrowed " LOL that
has just been put up on the website.
The treatments are about 15-25 mins.
on the doctors giving the treatment.

=Sorry no longer available=
It feels like a pin prick at the acupuncture
points from head to foot. Using the points
that will help your condition. As long as
you wear accessible clothing you do not need
to disrobe. After treatment I feel different
each time. This morning I felt tired and
slept most of the afternoon.
This evening I notice that the smell of the
neuralyn is with me . Which isn't an
unpleasant smell . Kinda smells like lotion.
The doc that did the afternoon treatment said
that my body was absorbing the serum quickly
which is good. That the body recognises it
and wants more . So she really did me up !
From head to foot. I am also noticing a
softening of my skin.
I am tired now. So I need to rest.
Moonster Moon'n Mormon
Wednesday July 14th, 1999
HUH ? WOW !!!! Day 3
I just came back from dinn dinn about a block
away from the no tell motel and
# 1) I wasn't hungry at all ¿ Weird
# 2 ) I had hot flashes after I had about a
cup of coffee -guess I'm not to have coffee ?
Or so my body tells me.
# 3) I'm having a sneezing attack right now,
LOL Ahhhhh choooo !!!!
#4) !!!!!!! Hey NO PAIN IN THE FEET !
WOW Sweet Jesus !!!!!!!
Hoooooorah !!!!!!!!!!!!
Less pain in the kidneys !!!!!
RAH !!!! RAH !!!!
The shawl is not tight like it was earlier
today ! RAH !!!!!!
And I felt wide awake after the 2:30
now I'm tired again !!!!!
Rah ! I think ! LOL
Yawn ....yup my body is busy busy busy !!!
Thursday July 15 th, 1999
Day 4 And Day 5 Morning
Day 4 I felt grrrrrrrrreat !
Lots of energy the docs even said I looked
better than usual. Had a twinkle in my eye.
My comment , " Gee ya mean they aren't
and have a yellow cast over them ? Wow ! "
The shuttle bus for the afternoon trip
me up. But I got a ride with with a MS
that goes to the clinic just a 1/2 hour
Kinda of god send in a way.
Because Dale who is on her 3 trip of 2 week
sessions at the clinic has decided to be my
driver and she now does a circle in front of
my room and I pop out of my " suite " and we
talk the whole time to and from the clinic
twice a day. We are thinking of hang'n with
the wheel chair group and going for din din
and maybe a movie with the gang that is
staying at an near by hotel.
They play cards and party without alcohol
24/7 and are from California the whole bunch
very Kewl.
So I gotz family already !
This has been a great healing experience all
around so far. Truely meant for Mua !
Friday July 16 th, 1999
Day 5
Really tired again. Kidney's in pain more
than usual. Slept pretty much solid from oh
11:00 to 1:00 now I feel rested.
Had some foot craps when falling asleep.
Bottom of feet are a tad sore.
But the left knee pain is gone ! Yeah !
Dale will be coming to pick me up in about
15 mins for the afternoon treatment.
Then we will talk about how we both feel and
if we want to do the din din and/or movie
and party for awhile.
See how the afternoon treatment does for me.
Afternoon treatment behind me and I am
this webpage
Feel darn good ! Dale is coming by my room
in a little bit. I have her all exicted about
WebTv ! Bless me Webbie Luv'n buttons ! LOL
She uses her Daughters Peee Ceee and the WTV
sounds to her like a custom order.
So I'll let her play with it and maybe we
will go shopping for a Webbie for Dale
and some of the Clinic gang may wanna come
along and dive into the webtv experience.
I told you guys I would have the whole darn
Clinic on WTV before I leave Utah !
Saturday July 17th, 1999
Day 6
Better every day !
Left knee stopped hurting yesterday
Edema down in the ankles and feet.
Kidney pain is less and less each day.
Dale who has MS and lime disease and walks
with a cane today her toes started rocking
and a bopp'n ! Danced their way right off the
table ! She could FEEL the carpet with her
toes !!!!!
That is amazen !!!!!
First time in 5 years !
Sunday July 18 th, 1999
Day 7
I had horrible nightmares last night but I
was warned about that possiblilty.
3 D , Color and sound too . Booogie Boo.
That means the spinal meng. and the buggies
are coming out.
Was very sleepy this morning, had a hard time
waking up.Silvia had a machine that I tried
you put your ankles in it and it wiggles you
in a S type fashion. It gets the merdians
bopp'n and rock'n.I absorbed the Neuralyn
well because of this S rocker. Only one
treatment on Sunday's.
I just gave a big hug to Barbara and Johny
Lee. Barbara is in a chair and is paralized
from the waist down. Car crash.
She has movement in her legs and now can
bring the right knee up to her chest !
Gawd it's like watching and being a part of a
mircle !
This is so Kewl !
Really exciting stuff !
Sunday evening after dinner
Tired and full now. Just got back from dinner
with Dale " Ms. Feelie Foot " . LOL .
Went to a 50's/60's type diner called:
"Wingers" oldies play'n and theme of planes
and flying machines. Kewl !
Guess what MVD Bruthere !
My voice is loosing the tremmer !
And the lips aren't shaking !!!!!
Ain't that swell !!!!!
Dale and I noticed that while driving to the
Big Neuralyn Nipp'n grin>
Monday July 19 th, 1999
Day 8
Couldn't get to sleep last night so I cybered
for awhile and finally took some Hydro-Mag
crystals about 3 Tablespoons disolved in
water and nodded out about 2 am.
Had to pee allot threw the night and had the
runs most of the night and in the morning.
I am told that is a good thang.That the body is
rinsing it's self out.LOL It must of needed it !
I did drink allot of rootbeer last night at
dinner about 3-20 ounce glasses. I was thirsty
and it was good rootbeer obviously!
Sore kidneys in the morning and afternoon.
They feel fine now after second treatment
of La La drops.
Silvia put some drops on my eyelids and around
the eyes to stop the tremmors around the
eyes. Seems to have worked, no tremmors now.
I ran into Kelly at lunch so we ate together
I shared my story with her and she with me.
She has had 6 holes punched in her spine from
a badly botched spinal tap- spinal fluid was
leaking from her spinal column.Also had a bad
back surgery of partical lower disc removal
She is on her 2nd round of threatments with
no relief or improvement. We are getting
together to share info. I think I can help
her make sense of the medical records she
does have and how to get the rest of them
that she needs. The Docs at the clinic are
saying that until the Neuralyn heals the holes
in her spine she will not get relief from the
She tells me she needs to hear success stories.
So I told her a few. Also shared many
of the like sitches we both have been threw with
all the doctors and pains.She has been threw
get ready.........42 doctors ! Poor
Success Story # 1 for today .........
Barbara continues to improve !
She can NOT ONLY lift her right knee to her
chest while laying on her left side she can
bend the lower leg back and kick backwards!
I told her Husband Johnny Lee he better look
out ! She can now kick him in the butt ! LOL
Success story # 2 for today .............
Ann who is in a chair major stroke age 40
Face is paralized and vocal cords partcially.
Got up and walked a few steps !!!! WOW !
Then Bret challenged her to use her heels to
move herself in her chair and she scooted
across the whole waiting area about 20 feet !
This awesome ! Totally AWESOME !
Tuesday July 20th, 1999
Day 9
Silvia has me try something new.A machine
that you put your ankles in and it shakes
your body in a S fashion. I nick name it
the chi wiggler ! LOL " Go get a wiggle on "
Works to increase circulation.Doc Ledesma
does the la la drops and really drops me up
telling me he is knocking me out. That I
will sleep and he is right ! I did !
Doesn't do around the eyes because he doesn't
want to pull toxiants out to fast.
My right hand was giving me problems the
night before. I had taken Joyce into a chat
room to teach her how to chat and had to tell
her I needed to get off line because I
couldn't type any longer. She understood
and checked on me in the morning.He did both
hands very throughly.Then he hit me over the
head with a 2 x4 and knocked me out
completely !
J/K..... LOL
Fell asleep about 12 am having trouble
sleeping again.
Wednesday July 21 th, 1999
Day 10
I wasn't able to take a nap either in the
morning or the afternoon.I call home to find
out about a check that was to be deposited a
week ago.
It has never arrived. So I call the tenant
and leave two messages. Get a email from my
Honey and am told that the tenant called
there instead of in Utah where I instructed
her to call. I get P.O.ed which is not good.
After our afternoon appointment Dale and I go
to the market for some goodies and I go to
use my ATM card and guess what no funds
available. I am HOT. Got it handled with the
in store bank.
Couldn't sleep and finally was able to sleep
about 1 am woke at 3 am and was able to get
online with B of A and see what was going on.
Something isn't right.More the next day.
Thursday July 22 th, 1999
Day 11
I wasn't feeling the best. Go and get
dropped by Silvia.She goes back to around the
After I " Get a wiggle on "
Then I call 800 # for B of A to find a branch
in Utah. Guess what ? NO B OF A IN THE ENTIRE
STATE ! I go round and round with the poor
woman on the other end of my rath. Make
her transfer funds from one account to the
other. Tell her that this is ludicrus no
bank in the state. I will straighten this
out when I return to Ca. Then spend the next
15 mins with Dale releasing the stress
from this not wanted sitch on our way to
Daves health food store for a consultation
with Dave and see if some homopathic stuff
will improve my bladder more. He is very
good and Dale is already after one day
getting results.
So he put me on 2 Berberis Vulgaris 200ck
under the tongue daily. I will most likely
have some negative effects for the first
24 hours as this pulls things out of me.
Then the bladder should improve in volume and
frequency.He has had lots of luck with this
on other people with similar conditions.
Friday July 23 th, 1999
Day 12
Face and around eyes in particular is really
puffy today. I feel rather crumby.Groggy,more
pain in the feet, kidneys , all over body
really.Didn't even want to " Get a wiggle on
". I brought all the nutrients with me
and Dale and I are going to go to see Dave
at one of his other health food stores (he
has 3 in the Utah area) to have him test
those on me and see if I need to adjust
them. Also to see how the Berberis Vulgaris
200ck is working and if any adjustment is
need there. Well he tested me and said that my
body was pulling
toxiants out tooooooo fast and to cut back on
the Berberis Vulgaris to every other day.
Also 2 of the Nutrients my body " really hates
this one " Daves words LOL,
so I threw them out the window ! J/K LOL.
Those two were Diuplex a herbal diuretic and
Lyprinex =marine lipid complex rich in ETA's.
And he added Tastie Mud as he calls it
Chewable Mineral tablets Raspberry flavor !
My favortite Raspberry! This tastie mud is
supposta bind the toxiants and coat them and
carry them out of the exit gates.Sounds like
what I need.Had a rough night last night.
All of this happened as soon as I finished
din-din. I couldn't get back to the hotel
fast enough.Below is a part of a email
friends how I was feeling last night:
I 'm pulling toxins out of my body too fast
and I am feeling rather punky tonight. Really
rather crumby. ICK ...eweoooo.... kack ...
kack... kack.....
I'm in the fetal position, all ends are
erupting including my skin and hair. Just
washed my hair this am and it's really oily
right now. Gross ! So I think it's a movie
and dreamville for Mua'.
I was like that all night. Feel asleep about
10:00 pm and woke several times. I wake up
about 6:00 am go to the bathroom and ahhhh
ummmmmm....WOW things are changing again !
NO PAIN IN THE KIDNEYS ? Now pain is in upper
back below the shoulder blades. The layers of
the onion of the path of my pain are peeling
off and going away !
HOOOORAH !!!! I believe this is the illness
moving out of the kidneys into the adrenal
glands which sit on top of the kidneys.Also
my right leg is without pain and the left leg
is in pain. So I'm lopsided LOL I believe
Dave said that the left side of my body was
ill than my right. So this makes complete
sense. How does he do this ? HellifIknow
! But bless him for his gift of healing
and for helping me. He is all for Neuralyn
and thinks that it is one of the best
products he has ever worked with. So in
conjuction with Neuralyn and Nutrients
adjusted by Dave I am doing GREAT.
Ouch groan wince.
So healing hurts so what !
I'm willing to pain to gain !
I'm on the path back to health friends and
gaining speed !
Rah !!!! Rah !!!!!! RAH !!!!!!!.
Saturday July 24 th, 1999
Day 13
I felt pretty darn good all day.Way less pain
like I said. More energy,face hardly twitched
at all ......all day and night.Some of the
Patients left for home this afternoon. So
Dale and I were busy visiting and exchanging
numbers and emails and such.Slept well, woke
Sunday July 25 th, 1999
Day 14
Last day of treatment for Neuralyn only one
treatment in morning on Sundays. Doc Ledesma
really poured the Neuralyn on me.Did
everythang twice.He kinda thinks I pretty
neat! LOL
Yes I am going for my 2 other 2 week
sessions. My next one is on Oct. 12 to the
24 here in SLC Utah.Then the 3rd and last
will be in Jan. There is a new clinic opening
in Grand Junction CO.Bret will be there and I
like him allot but I like Doc Ledesma and
Silvia a whole bunch also.I may change to
Grand Junction we will see when I get home to
Wrong Beach California.
I am going to continue with the nutrients
from Shari and the homopathics from Dave.
Also I am going to get a jug of Neuralyn to
nipp on in between this session and session
2. Doc Ledesma drew me a map of the points to
put the Neuralyn on. Over 300 points all
together. But only 90 to be concerned with
Took my nutrients and detox homopathic in the
afternoon. Man toxic dump city again.Pee'n
poop'n up a storm, sweats, fart's ,
barf's. ....
Groan wince curled up in a ball again.
All of this and a migraine headache on top
of it.
YUK ! Healing hurts again and it stink's
Monday July 26 th, 1999
Day 15
Woke up still pretty sick YUK !
Look like I have been threw a world war !
Hahahahhahahaaa hair all messed up from
having a towel head band of ice , helped the
migraine a bunch, brought it down in
intensity to:
"I can't stand it"
"Here lemme just whack my head off it would
hurt less."
And then about 9:30 am ( start playing the
perfect morning music here birds singing
angles and stuff ) Walllllla ! Everythang is
peachy !
Packed up and ready for 8:30 am shuttle pick
up tomorrow.
Tuesday July 27 th, 1999
Day 16 I return home

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