![]() Parasites in Our Bodies![]() ![]() From: Moondogee ((_Y_)) Date: Wed, May 15, 2002, 10:10am Subject: Re: Human Intestinal Parasites and Worms If you read the page that Sara sent alotta things will become very clear. The biggest battle I've had is to educate Doctors on parasites. Of their existence. That parasites =are= the cause of most illness. Cancer-Aids-hep-&&&&&. See the topic/concept is gross. People -patients don't want to hear about the bugs in our body's. The AMA doesn't teach it because if they got us parasite free (damn near impossible to do) the ill % of the general population would be reduced by 90%. AMA is the "american money association" not interested in healing the sick just interested in making money off of the sick. Why do you think the forced immunization of our children has been in operation for so long? You know whats really in those shots? Such lovely things as anti-freeze, mercury, embalming fluid. No BS that's the truth. It's putting time bombs of disease in our future generations to control the money & power flow. From: "Spooky" Subject: Re: Human Intestinal Parasites and Worms Dammit, that's some shit, and does sound GROSS.. Good thing you know what to do and are doing it.. It's really crazy, some shit, huh...I give you credit for being able to even deal with this shit the way you do.. I don't know what I'd do, just be careful with all this,huh.. I know you are, just had to say that..Thanks for filling me in on all this stuff going on.. Hope all this gets better and ends real real soon,. Spooky From: "(_Y_)" Subject: Human Intestinal Parasites and Worms Summary to take with me to Doctor. Doctor Greens Day off. So I'll try the skin Doctor. Or a referral from him. I'm flushing the right ear with colloidal silver. When I do that it makes them stop moving. I'm ingesting heavy doses of parasite cleanse/killers 2 types Trio Sun and Life Support. Both in drop form both excellent both you can mix in water or juice. Orange juice is the best you don't notice the bitter taste at all. Both 4 times a day. When Paula candled my right ear a week ago with 2 very long ear candles on the second candle I could feel the suction on the center of pain source and told her so. Got a lot of old wax and LOTS of yeast. Ear felt much better. Then she swabbed the ear with a Q-Tip soaked in lavender and TeaTree oil. The ear was stinging when I left. By the time I got home. I was in intense pain. Until late night. Before I went to bed my left ear had begun to get infected again. Wednesday the left cheek started to swell. By Thursday my left cheek was really getting BIG. Friday it was HUGE. Friday night I lanced it. It wouldn't drain. Saturday I lanced it again and it started to drain. On Sunday morning in the shower I got a white mass out of the cheek. Looked odd so I put it in a container and water. I think and the colonic gals think it is the head of liver fluke=parasite. We think there are more in the ear canal. What is it doing in my cheek? Good question! We think that the teatree oil drove the parasite/s from the right ear to the left then into the left cheek. I am GROSSED OUT. I've been getting clear fluid out of the right ear with blood mixed in it for 3 days Tomorrow I'll take myself to the Doctor. Human Intestines & Parasites From: Moondogee ((_Y_)) Date: Wed, May 15, 2002, 11:18am Subject: Re: Human Intestinal Parasites and Worms Bacterial spinal meningitis will kill you in 3days. Viral spinal meningitis won't kill you. At least not with in the 3 day period. It can escalate to the point where it damages the mengi=the membrane that covers the brain and the spinal column. The chiro is trained to not touch/adjust a person who has had spinal meningitis for 1 year after the infection. She adjusted me 1 month after the infection. The 8th adjustment after the infection is when she broke me. Causing me to have cervical spinal fusion c4 c5 region. (of course I didn't find this info out until 1998 this all happened in 1994) The fusion of the spine affected the communication between the brain and the bowels & bladder. The nerve signal is barely there. So as a result my bladder is 1/3 the normal bladder size with 25 cc's residual urine in it all times. The valves that are the exit gates do not open and close they are in constant spasm. Sooooo my body is saturated in it's own waste products. What that does is make a purrrrfect environment for parasites to thrive in. My condition make more sense now? The colonics make more sense now? Got an appointment with Doctor Green at 2:15 this afternoon. Yay! From: "Spooky" Subject:Re: Human Intestinal Parasites and Worms Hey I know a guy that was born with spinal meningitis, I thought that was something you got from birth.. He's in about 46-47, and back then most babies died when born with that, well life isn't easy for him, lot of pains, many pain killers, and lots of damage done.. From: "(_Y_)" Moondogee Subject: Re: Human Intestinal Parasites and Worms Not just the pet factors Sara Mia. In the foods we eat, in the soil, in the air we breathe. Howard Huges really wasn't all that perry-noid. Fact:::: I got viral spinal meningitis from exotic birds on the island of Roatan. The spores where every where as the birds where wild and abundant. In the air settling on the food I ate the fluid I drank the air I breathed. "Get ready to RUMBLE!" LMAO! Yes my Frank-Footer parasites are contagious. Think of it this way. Parasites are in constant search&seek mode for a host. <=== YOU your bod is one of the most preferred hosts. Animals are another, domestic pets, farm animals, birds etc. Also soil vegetation. Even sand. The pinworm luvs the sand but loves even better,..... tender childrens feet. Burrows in their souls and infects the body from there. If you explore the links at the bottom of that page you will find the life cycles of different types of parasites. The Aids bug yes you heard me right aids is started by a bug=parasite enters through the asshole. As in bumper bumping. Doesn't matter if it is Homo or Hetro bumping ok. This bug lives and feeds in the colon. It travels up the body and lays eggs in the =lungs= something like 50,000 eggs in the lungs in 24 hour period. Every person I have known who has died of Aids has in the final period pneumonia. That was the actual cause of death. They actually died drowning in parasite eggs to the point where the lungs could no longer function. I just had a long email volley with ____ 2 weeks ago about cancer. Her previous manager died of cancer. Now the current one has come down with the same cancer. I told her to disinfect everything the 1st one used. She didn't damn it! The 2nd one is using the 1st ones desk & machines. Like PC, phone, calculator, stapler blah blah. ____ is phreaked out. Damn I hate being right about this type of thing. I gotta tell you this is all so bizarre, but I do believe there is more truth then fiction when it comes to parasites. Now I don't really know much about these parasites, I do know a litter more about websites, okay, I had to slide a joke in here somewhere.You have enlightened me about things that most people don't want to hear about, let alone believe that it could be the major cause of many illnesses and diseases, but I know you look at things inside and out, then turn them upside down and put the x-ray to 'em and then put it to the Moon test.. I, like everybody else am limited in my education about parasites.. But I do read up on what you send, and will occasionally check stuff out myself. I have a neighbor who has these parasites, let me just ask for my own knowledge, are they all or any contagious.. Like by shaking hands, same air we breath etc. The sh*t really scares the @ss off me to be honest.. Thanks for the good and much needed info.. Now kill them fuggers any way you have to, bring out the big guns... You can get rid of these fuggers, right, just takes time knowledge and patience, huh.. Lets get ready to RUMBLE.. Spooky Declares War On Parasites Not a good day for me either. Nothing like yours and XXXXXX day though. I got a colonic everyday last week from monday thru sunday. I've been taking the trio sun parasite killer and the life source parasite killer twice a day as well. Going for another week of the same this week. Last night on the left side of my chin a blemish started forming. No big deal as with detoxing ick in your body gets out any way it can bowels bladder skin hair whatever. This am I wake up and this "thang" is starting to look just like the "thang" on my left cheek. Damn I'm hating this. Yup I think within the next day or two I'll be getting another parasite out of my face. It will probably swell up like the left cheek did. Uggg... Looking for ways to beat the bugs I grabbed a personal electronic mosquito thingie that emits a high frequency tone and LMAO hung it around my neck. Shouted take that beastie boys! Theory is to use this as a Hula Clark zapper.Really a silly thing to do. BUTT here is the downer part. I held the tone bug zapper up to my left ear to see if I had it on the on position. No tone so I go to get some batteries. My S.O. is here with me tonight, asks: "What is that tone?" I look at her dumb founded. Then I put the bug zapper up to my right ear and sure enough it's buzzing away. Put it to the left ear and I can not hear a bloody thing! When I saw doctor Green he looked inside of both ears. He said that the ear drums in both ears looked fine and healthy. No inflammation or redness. That the right ear (the one I can hear out of fine with out a problem) had a pus filled bump on the edge of the inner ear before you get to the ear drum. But it didn't look bad or harmful at all. The right ear is also the ear I was getting blood out of early last week. But it is the left ear that I can't hear out of? Shaking my head I don't get it? I have also found out from another patient of Doctor Green that she has noticed a major difference in his personality/Bedside manner. That Blue Shield no longer will pay for any treatments from him. Which I knew about. Happened about 9 months ago. Blue Cross which is what I have is still good I hope!~...... That Doctor Green also has 3 lawsuits against him currently. Poor guy. Damn it took me so long to find a good doctor. And now he is morphing into another Mindless MD that dances to the tune of the AMA & Drug mega companies. Another yes man MD to save his license and I can't blame the guy. It just pisses me off that our gov. poisons the masses with our food the forced immunization shots for our children, the water we drink the air we breathe with harmful waves all to feed the A.merican M.oney A.ssociation. Doctors don't want to cure you. They want to feed off of your illness. All they do any more is hand out antibiotics and prosaic like it is candy. That is the standard prescription for the masses. Oh and blood pressure meds and cholesterol meds. Which of course is all pre-planned by the food we are fed. From sugar over packed babyfood to Ensure. Crap I tell you straight out crap. How am I feeling?: Actually today I noticed a improvement in my overall bod. My feet ankles and lower legs feel lighter. Less toxic. I don't know what other words to use to describe it. Today marks 14 days straight of colonics and parasite cleanse everyday. I will have 16 days straight by tuesday afternoon. Yesterday I was in a full on groan from the moment I woke up. Just plain awful. When I went in for my colonic at 3pm Paula was phreaking out over the type and amount of ick I was dumping. Dark toxic orange, lime day glow toxic yellow, then heavy thick dark orange with lots of black tarry very hard balls. <|===< that is the impacted matter out of the pockets in the colon wall. Paula kept me on for another 10 mins cause she didn't want to stop. There was a lot of it! Felt better that afternoon and went to bed woke up feeling much better. Took a shower and looked at the THANG on my chin that I am positive is a parasite trying to get out just like the one from my ear that came out of my cheek. Well it was way improved. One of the products I am taking is trio sun. One of the many gr8 properties of trio sun is that it decomposes the parasite bodies so they can pass through your lymph system out the rear door so to speak. LOL That is what is happening with the chin thang. So I won't have to lance it and dig the booger out. So happy about that. I have also been applying trio sun topically to the areas. Went in for my colonic today and my gawd, Cheryl had me with a mirror at the ready to see what I was getting out. Cheryl is my massage therapist as well. She doesn't get really excited unless it's a wowser. Almost steady for 1hour and 15 mins dumping of thick dark toxic orange with big black tarry chunks. I couldn't believe my own eyes it was amazing. I'll see how I do the next two days and then I'll decide if I want to brave another week or 2 weeks straight of colonics daily. This just might be a huge turning point in my poor health. So I'm excited at the prospect of better health and not feeling so gawd awful rotten. Date: Friday Night June 21st 2002 I've done the baths and have noticed marked reduction in pain and stiffness in ankles and feet. Also instant improvement of the skin in general. This was with only the first bath. Hair was incredibly soft and bit wild LOL. I have also been ingesting it with distilled water. One day hydrogen peroxide the next 3oz of colloidal silver. H2O2 with the daily colonic regimen I've been on for nearly 4weeks in a row produced releases of fairly large black hard impacted matter. The colloidal silver days produced releases of small the size of peanuts hard brown and black impacted matter along with black tarry sludge. Implants of extract of wild cherry bark triggered very large releases of toxins of the lime green and day glow orange/yellow variety. Along with heavy orange brown loose matter, liver flukes, some mucosa. I have found that wild cherry bark is most helpful for cleansing the liver and related areas. Continued consistently through this time period of 4 weeks I have been using Trio Sun parasite cleanser mixed with orange juice fairly large doses daily. Everyday. Which is why I don't see many worms exiting. Because one of the many benefits of Trio Sun is that it disintegrated the parasite bodies. We do see an occasional round worm skin. Which is about all that is left of it. Waaaaay to much information for most of you? Bwahahahahahahaa Good! ![]() ![]() |