I printed out this interview & read this site of 4 pages to Peggy while she was giving me a Colonic Thursday. I wanted her opinion on this interview. I thought it was exaggerated quite a bit.
Peggy agreed that it was exaggerated. That is a shame because there is no reason for it. It just hurts the rep of the good colon hydro therapist that are doing people so much good.
Peggy did confirm allot of what this interview revealed as true! Just the sizes of the parasites and frequences were Tall tales for sure.
For instance you =can't= have 1 1/2 hours of solid worms coming out. Because the act of giving a colonic is irrigating the colon with mineral water and different implants produce different responses.
Also only one fill?
Oh Pluh-leese! That is what a colonic is. Filling the colon with mineral water and releasing it filling and releasing over and over again. That comment was straight out stoooopid.
As a side note FYI: Colon Hydrotherapy uses allot of water as you may or may not know. Your colon absorbs all kinds of things. That is one of the biggest reasons that impacted fecal matter in your colon makes you and keeps you ill. Your colon is constantly feeding you past illnesses, parasite poop ICK etc. Peggy does what is called implants given in the rectum as in nutrients, good bacteria, Parasite killer. All kinds of things. You can also "take" your meds this way without losing so much of the meds value by passing by the digestive acids. ALSO Colonics have helped to hydrate me allot. Remember the impacted matter is dehydrated that is one of the reasons it sticks to the colon walls. So the more of it you get out the more hydrated you will be. And your colon will absorb all the water it needs during a colonic.
Yes your arse drinks! EWEOooooo!
Source of this text? From this webpage
A Colon Therapist Speaks.
I have been talking to my friend Marge for over six months about worms. She is a colonic therapist. I guarantee you will never read another health interview like this in your life.
"People Who Are The Sickest, They Have The Most Parasites!"
Q. Can worms affect peoples' health?
Marge: The people that are the sickest, those are the ones I get the most worms out of. Like the lady with shingles. She was about 70. She had terrible shingles - a very bad skin condition - all over her face. Her whole face on one side, and her eye and hair were all weeping water. We got an hour and a half of solid worms out of the colonic tube. And I filled her only once. It was SOLID worms! About seven different kinds, all intermingled. Every worm you could think of came through that colon tube. No pulp, no water, just worms -- for an hour and a half -- it just flowed through. SOLID! After the worms were all out, the shingles went away. Completely.
I just had a 40 year old woman from France. After a few colonics, you should have seen the worms come out. They were all in the fecal matter that she was so blocked up with. It was just terrible. She was so constipated and that was the cause of it. As the constipation broke up, you could see the worms come out.
Q. What did you see?
Marge: I saw worms come out for two hours. Long ones, short ones. They were all of one type. She was horrified. She had these worms because she was horribly constipated. She was all clogged up. It's really bad news.
For ten years I had horrible liver pain. It was caused by liver flukes.
Q. What do you mean "it's really bad news?"
Marge: To see all this. To see this coming out of everybody. Everyone has worms --
no one is an exception.
=FALSE!= Not everyone. The lions share of the people but not everyone
If you eat raw food, you're eating the spores, the eggs. Parasites come from eating raw food mainly. The tapeworm comes from eating raw beef, as in steak tartar, a popular German dish.
=TRUE= Even fruits and veggies=
Q. Did you ever have worms yourself?
Marge: Are you kidding? Everyone has worms. I have had liver flukes that were 12 inches long.
=FALSE= Liver Flukes do not get this big.
Liver Flukes are parasites not worms
Q. And you saw them?
Marge: Yes! They were horrible! They were twisted around each other 4-5 at a time. I had pain in my liver for over ten years. I ended up in the hospital twice all doubled up with pain. They said it was a muscle spasm. After the liver flukes came out, I haven't had any pain since. I even got the eggs of the liver flukes out. I showed them to another therapist who de-worms people, but I didn't tell her they were mine. She said, "Those aren't worms from the colon, Marge, those are worms<== parasites not worms ==> from the liver. Those are liver flukes." I showed them to another expert who also confirmed that they were liver flukes. "These are huge." He said.
When I got the liver flukes out, the pain immediately stopped!
=TRUE!= Parasites in particular liver flukes can and do cause pain in the liver. High cholesterol levels. High liver toxin readngs
Q. And you saw these liver flukes come out of you when you had a colonic?
Marge: Oh yes. About 12 inches long and thick as a fountain pen.
=FALSE= Not that big no way!
They came out in groups of 4 or 5, followed by a yellow acid water, then another 4 or 5.
Q. How many people have liver flukes?
Marge: I don't know exactly...but the number is large, and they don't even know they have them.
Q. Would a person feel better if they had no worms in them?
Marge: That's right. After getting those filthy things out of me, I've been vibrant, happy, have more energy, and I'm smiling all the time.
=TRUE= Peggy is living smiling proof! LOL
Q. Can these worms even effect a person's personality?
Marge: Of course. If you have a liver full of worms, you feel sick and can't put your finger on why. If you kill them, you're going to feel better. It's that simple.
=TRUE= also when your organs are parasite free they function the way they were intended to. Releasing the correct hormos & chemical in the right amounts
and at the right time. Burning your food energy cleanly.
TAPEWORMS Are Scavengers! They Eat Your Food Before You Do.
Q. I can see the waste of taking vitamins and minerals without de-worming (and parasite cleansing as well )first.
Marge: The worms will eat them. They eat the nutrients first.
Q. Tell me about the tapeworm.
Marge: It can weigh up to SEVEN POUNDS! It eats so much of your food, your nutrients, it makes you anemic. They make people so sick...I can't tell you. The head usually lives in your stomach, waiting for your food. They're vicious; they eat a lot; they're scavengers. Even when you sleep, they're eating.
=TRUE= Fact often is stranger than fiction!
Every other person has a tapeworm. You can quote me on that...every other person.
=FALSE= This is extremely exaggerated!
Peggy said it's more like 1 out of every 50 is more realistic
Q. What a horrible thought. They just sit there waiting for your food!
Marge: It's true. They wait for you to eat. Your dinner is their dinner.
Q. That's amazing. You go out to a good restaurant, eat an expensive meal, and the tapeworm get first crack at it.
Marge: That's right. That's why people are so anemic. My friend in New York had a big one...it was attached to the intestinal wall right by the ileocecal valve. She said she could feel this worm wiggle.
=TRUE!= ACK!!! Peggy said she had a client who had a HUGE tapeworm and she could feel it move to another position in the colon. She told the client about it . Peggy had nightmares for weeks about this Tape Worm...
After she killed it, she reeked because it was rotting inside of her. She smelled awful.
=Can be true in some cases=
Q. Why couldn't she get it out?
Marge: Because it wasn't rotting enough. It had to fall apart first. Her breath smelled like something rotting. The dying tapeworm was permeating an odor through the tissues of her body.
Q. So if a person has a lot of worms, they will have an odor?
Marge: Absolutely. Many of my patients come in smelling terrible. That's how one of my patients knew she had a tapeworm. A 50-inch worm came out. FIFTY INCHES! They are flat and about an eighth of an inch thick. All the segments are joined together like a chain and they keep growing one segment after another. Just one little segment remaining in the body can grow a new tapeworm. Just one little segment can grow a monster. That's all it takes. They live in your stomach, not the colon, usually right near the cecum where it dumps into the small intestine, where they can get at your food before it gets absorbed in the intestine.
Q. You've actually seen a 50 inch tapeworm come out?
Marge: Oh, sure. And once I saw a 36 inch segment that lay in the colon tube and wouldn't break off. It just lay there with everything else washing around it. Finally, it broke off. Another man got a tapeworm out of his stool - he saw it in his toilet. But he never got the head out, so it keeps re-growing. Three times a woman in New York had tapeworms come out. It is like a head with an octopus...a head with feelers.
=FALSE= Tape worms are not a head with feelers. They are a long flat dark colored worm. When the head does come out Peggy told me in all of the ones she has seen in the tape worms mouth is a chunk of bloody flesh. That is in every single tape worm she has seen with out fail.
She got segments of 50 inches, 36 inches, 20 inches and more. Everyday she would get more tapeworm out.
You only have so much Tape worm in you. You can't go on day after day getting out more tapeworm
(Editor's note: We talked to Marge's friend in New York and she confirmed that she had a long tapeworm come out of her. She said she saw tapeworms come out that were 12 inches, 36 inches, and even one that was six feet long!
=TRUE=They can get this big!
She said it pulled at the rectum, and it untangled on the way out. Nearly everyone has them, only they don't know it. She also said that before the tapeworm came out, she could feel it moving throughout the colon.)
A Lot Of Beef Is Loaded With Tapeworms.
Q. Where do most people get the tapeworm from?
Marge: We get a lot of it from beef today. I recently went to dinner with some friends and I told them about the dangers of eating rare beef. I told them about the tapeworm problem. But they ordered rare beef anyway. They said they couldn't eat it any other way.
Q. Didn't they believe you?
Marge: They didn't believe that good meat has tapeworms in it. What they didn't understand is that just one little spore in the meat can hatch in your stomach and grow a tapeworm. It can be deadly. It's the price people have to pay for eating their steaks rare, or medium rare.
Q. Tell me more.
Marge: I once had a woman with a large tapeworm. I could feel it by placing my hand on her stomach. If I disturbed it by rubbing her stomach, I could feel it unwind, stretch out and start moving through the intestine and curl up in another place. It was huge! Enormous! And she was a little person -- only 115 pounds.
Worms Can Cause Blockage In Your Colon.
Q. How do worms cause health problem?
Marge: You already know that they eat your nutrients. But their filthy excretions are very toxic and can cause many health problems by spreading throughout your body. Every organ can be affected.
Q. You say worms and parasites live in the layers of the colon.
Marge: That's right. When a person is constipated, it's because of layer upon layer of impacted fecal matter in the colon. This is where the parasites live. Different parasites live in different layers of this fecal matter. That's why I see so many different parasites and worms as I clean a persons' colon.
=TRUE= But worms and parasites can live in every part of your body. Not only in the impacted fecal matter.
Q. You've mentioned that you see a lot of worms.
Marge: Yes. One girl lost two gallons of them.
=FALSE= Exaggeration! Not 2 gallons of solid worms. Perhaps 2 gallons of worms feces water & yeast.. That I will agree with.
She was tiny to begin with and was constipated---she could never get a nice, steady flow. It was the worms that prevented her from having bowel movements.
Q. Two gallons? How could anyone have two gallons or worms in them?
Marge: She did. I got a quart and a half each time I did her. After two months, I did her again and got another quart of worms. Just this morning I did a 70 year-old woman and saw several six-inch worms come out. They were black.
Q. Do people lose weight when they pass these worms?
Marge: Certainly! If you pass a seven pound tapeworm, you've just lost seven pounds. If you pass several quarts of worms and parasites, you're now many pounds lighter. People also lose inches from their waist, too, because these filthy critters take up a lot of space. If you're constipated, and have a lot of impacted fecal matter, this also takes up space. Many people with large tummies are really not fat---they just have a lot of backed-up fecal matter bulging out. This compounds the problem, because the colon muscles cannot contract if there is too much weight in it.
=TRUE= Also most of the heavy toxic and parasite loaded clients are slender or under weight with large tummies.
Q. Have you ever seen a patient who didn't have worms?
Marge: Never! In nine years of doing colonics, I have never seen a person who didn't have worms. Every single patient had worms.
=FALSE= Many times Peggy will not see worms or parasites right away in the first few Colonics. She did say that she can tell right away with a new client if they eat sushi. Because she will first thing at the beginning of the colonic get out lots of worms
Be Careful Of Pork Products.
Q. How safe is it to eat pork today?
Marge: A doctor in Chicago put a piece of raw pork tissue under a microscope. It was loaded with living worms. Everything was moving, and all the samples were the same. Then he cut the pork, and charred in on the grill. He made it into charcoal and then put some of that under the microscope. The parasites were still moving.
=True or False? I'm not sure. Haven't done any research on this=
Q. Would that apply to most pork today?
Marge: Well, if charcoaled pork still had living parasites, this would mean that it's impossible for a normal person to kill the parasites in the pork. Why take chances?
Q. Have you ever seen hookworms in a client?
Marge: Oh yes. They were big, gray in color and came to a point at each end.
=FALSE= Hook worms are gray-ish white about 2-4 " long very slender like pieces of thread and hooked on one end . Thus the name hook worm
Q. Are you sure they were hookworms?
Marge: Absolutely. They were all alike. They were about six inches long, curved and came to a point at the ends.
Q. What is the most prevalent worm you see in people?
Marge: Those long, white ones. The granddads are black. They are as thick as fountain pens and usually ten inches long.
=TRUE partically= These are called Round Worms they can be gray in color or dark grey as they mature. They do get this long though.
Some Tumor-like Masses May Really Be Pockets Of Parasites.
Q. I've heard that there can be parasites in the heart.
Marge: Absolutely! You can have worms in every organ...the eyes, the brain, the liver, the spleen, the pancreas...the heart is no exception. Many people have fatty tumors in the legs. They may feel like hardened material, but these can be pockets of parasites. They are encased in calcified material.
=TRUE= 100 %
Q. What other areas of the body have worms?
Marge: Worms are everywhere. Worms in the pancreas causes diabetes.
Q. You mean if worms migrate to the pancreas, you get diabetes?
Marge: If you get too many of them there, yes. Guess what causes appendicitis? Worms! Often when an inflamed appendix is removed, it is full of worms. They are what caused the rupture. You can have worms in the tonsils. They can be in the gall bladder---or any other organ in your body.
Q. Worms are terrible. They go wherever you go.
Marge: You're right. And when you die, they eat you up.
Q. Can you get worms and parasites in the muscles?
Marge: You bet. What do you think trichinosis is? Parasites in the muscles. Remember the woman earlier who had worms crawling out of her skin? They were coming from her muscles. She was in her garden and the warmth of the sun drove them out.
=FALSE= LOL what an imagination! Coming out because the sun drove them out! Pluh-leeese! However worms can and do come out of the skin. Gross I know but true!
Q. Is anyone worm free??
=False in Part= Not just worms but parasites and worms. There is a big difference. Yes there are a few who are parasite and worm free but only for limited time periods. This is why you should do a parasite and worm clease every so often. To keep their numbers down.
Marge: No. Someone told me that 98% of the people have worms...I say 100% have worms of one type or another. People with pets have different worms than people without pets...people on farms have different worms than people in the cities. But we all have worms!