![]() ![]() ![]() The Cure For All Diseases
This is a couple of exchanges between a friend and myself regarding health matters. I thought you might find it interesting and just maybe a tad informative.
We are discussing the book and website by Hula Clark called: The Cure For All Diseases From a Friend The Cure For All Diseases Click on Only Two Health Problems ~ let me know what you think ~ Included Page: The Cure For All Diseases http://healthalternative.freeyellow.com/cfad.htm From Moon Yes I do agree. However depending on the malady and what level of body damage has been done. Simply getting the toxins out & the parasites out many times will not heal the patient. You need to use certain things for different damage done to the body to rebuild the body's system/s on a healthy cellular level. That is the problem with most RX meds is that they treat the symptoms and not the core/source of the illness. In fact I have read several studies about parasite generated illnesses like cancer or bronchitis to name a few where the taking of RX drugs can and often times does drive the parasite responsible for the illness in the first place deeper into the body and into vital organs. Like the gallbladder, the liver and the pancreas. Once the parasites get into the pancreas and they start breeding eating and pooping in there the person or the host if it is not caught right away will have a very painful and relatively quick death. I've read this site pretty much from front to back. Hula Clark has a lot of good information to share. Unfortunately she exaggerates quite a bit and makes a lot of false claims so most PHD's scoff at everything she does says or writes. It's a shame too. I wish she would just stick to the facts and stop treating these health cures like a revival meeting! LMAO They do work. No reason to lie and preach about it. The thing most people don't do if they do a parasite cleanse and then a gallbladder liver cleanse is continue with a parasite maintenance program. So they are clean for a week or two and then they start breeding the parasites all over again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From a friend: I wish drs put as much effort into their causes and cures as you do ~ scary isn't it ~ we might all be healthy ~ ~ good news about the feet remember they were so cracked I couldn't walk ~ now I'm using MSM with glucosimine and the cream ~ in less than 4 days days they are smooth as a baby butt ~ we need sulphur and why didn't my doc say so ~ ( we know why ) ~ ~ they recommend all the B vits but there's one that causes nerve damage which might be what's wrong with my leg ~ I have sciatica nerve pain and tingling in the right foot ~ so I wonder how much vit damage there might be ~ would you go to a chiropractor for this ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From: Moon As a very last resort maybe? But probably not. I have found out the =hard way=(chiro is who broke me on her table causing me to have spinal fusion of the cervical spine c4-c5) that chiros can't really give you any perminate relief if it is a pre-existing long term alignment problem Because the muscles have to be re-trained to hold the spine in the corrected alignment. Without the combined treatment of adjustment with deep tissue massage or ralfing your spine will be pulled out of alignment soon if not in minutes. For pre-existing long term alignment problems your better off doing massage ralfing if you can stand it! Traction by a qualified therapist or doctor. Or/and Acupuncture. Traction I haven't really looked into but it sure makes sense to me. Gently and steady pulling the spine to allow the disks and vertebrae to move into the correct alignment. A re-training of the spines alignment if you will. If it all happened to me again which it wouldn't LOL knowing what I know now. I would NOT have the spinal fusion obviously.... And I would first try traction and combine the other therapies after a month or so. Bet I could have repaired the damage pretty close to 90% 95%.! Yes I know about that lotion. They also have a like product for men. Hows the tendinitis <== wrong word lol the ringing in the ears thangie you had trouble with? Has it stayed gone or did it come back to visit? People who have been very ill themselves make the best doctors therapists & healers I've found. Sure does give you motivation! ROTF. My colon hydrotherapist was very ill herself and got better by colonics. My massage therapist almost died a couple of times she has the disease where the lining of her bladder disintegrates issitisisious or something like that. My good friend Sherry who is immunocal & viacreme =has= died 3 times. Last time she was dead 22 minutes. Woke up in the hospital morgue screaming! She's had so many terrible medical things happen to her it's unbelievable. Something like 36 operations from cancer to brain tumors. She also has Lupus. She is a 2-legged walking miracle. She just glows when she walks into a room. Excellent energy coming from her. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ More Med-Head talk- gallblader stones hydrogen peroxide Yadda Yadda In that hula clark site she talks about a liver gallbladder cleanse. I do those every 3 months or so. I use organically grown fresh grapefruit extra virgin olive oil and chug gallons of trader joes gravenstein unfiltered apple juice. However I have been doing colonics for over a year now. About 6 months at 3 times a week and 6 months at 2 times a week. You must have your colon some what clean and a good parasite cleanse a couple of months prior in order for this to work for your body correctly. Other wise you risk causing damage to your gallbladder bile duct and other related organs. If you follow the procedure your gallbladder will purge it's self of all the stones.Just open it's gates and go blech hurl all the gall stones out of it's self If you have had the gallbladder removed you can still do the cleanse. It will help your liver and bile duct out a lot! See what most people don't realise is when the gallbladder is removed the bile duct morphs and does the job that the gallbladder did. The gallstones are actually formed in the liver ..... that's right the liver! The gallbladder acts as a catch bin for the =liver stones= so that they don't clog the bile duct. What is a gallstone made up of?Your not gonna like hearing this, it's the truth though! Gallstones(Liver stones) have a hard very thin shell of calcium on the outside. Beneath that shell is oil which is cholesteral oil <==ICK. What is in the center of the gallstone?(liver stone) Or the nucleus of the gallstone..... either one of these or both......... A bit of bacteria or/and a piece of parasite carcass! The bacteria being parasite poop. A Yup! Tis true! There are so many things done in medicine that are standard procedure that are so wrong in my =NEVER= humble opinion LOL. For instance the gallbladder removal operation...... they remove the gallbladder but do they purge the bile duct? Make sure it's clean without any blockages? =No= they don't even look at it! What would it take a couple of minutes at best? Many people have complications after gallbladder removal like yourself. If this simple couple of minute procedure was included in the standard gallbladder removal operation we would have far far less people going back for further operations in that area. Fewer people getting cancer..... But then isn't that the point? ...... Sick people are good business. Fugging AMA = American Money Association. If I or a loved one was having their gallbladder removed. I would make sure that the surgeon would clean out the bile duct. Also I would prepose that the liver be flushed to remove as many "liver stones" as possible.And that the fatty tissue if there is any (most people who have gallbladder problems have a enlarged and fatty liver) be cut off and checked for any abnormal cell growth in a lab. I mean they are right there. Not doing these common sense procedures is crazy to me. Yet I have not heard of one doctor yet who even does this. Then the entire open cavity washed not with saline solution which is usually used but hydrogen peroxide. Why? Because hydrogen peroxide floods the cells on a cellular level with oxygen. Parasites die instantly when exposed to oxygen. *wink *wink nudge.... nudge.... In fact one of Peggy's clients (my hydro colon therapist) who =had= cancer went to Europe and had a procedure done that cured him completely. In a hyperbaric chamber the surgical team opened up his torso and washed purged cleansed every organ with hydrogen peroxide. Closed him up and he flew back to the US several weeks later cancer free! And still is! ![]() ![]() E Me |