Doctor Kurt Donsbach Oxygen-hydrogen peroxide therapies

Doctor Kurt Donsbach Oxygen-hydrogen peroxide therapies
This information comes directly from the above links and also from the Book Oxygen Oxygen Oxygen By Doctor Kurt Donsbach
Many swimming pool owners are tired of using chlorine, which is a known health hazard. The therapeutic pool at Hospital Santa Monica uses only hydrogen peroxide as a purifying agent. Many of the patients have voiced an interest in using hydrogen peroxide in their pools at home. However, hydrogen peroxide is a very difficult and tedious method of purifying home pools because it is tricky to get the right amount and it is very hard on the pool finish. Using a pool ozonator is a far superior means of reducing the amount of chlorine your pool requires. With a pool ozonator you will have sparkling clear water, no growth on the sides of the pool, no red eyes from the irritation of the heavy amounts of chlorine in the water nor will your body be absorbing this dangerous chemical when you swim in the pool.
=!!!!! (It has been estimated that full body contact for twenty minutes with chlorine-saturated water will allow absorption equivalent to drinking two quarts of the same water!)!!!!!=
Use 64 fluid ounces (4 pints) of 3% hydrogen peroxide in a bathtub full of rather warm, but not hot water. Be sure that the area you have problems with is fully immersed and soak for 20 minutes or more. Stiff and sore joints may be relieved in just a few baths. Skin problems, such as rashes, eczema, psoriasis and athlete's foot, respond very well to this topical immersion.
The Book is:
Dr. Donsbach tells you
What You Need To Know About
$3.95 68 pages
Talks about EBV & it's associations with CFS.
Many many other subjects as well:
Dr Bernard Edstrom did a study in a hospital near to Lund Sweden of 50% Rheumatoid Arthritis & Rheumatic Fever Patients. He constructed a very dry tropical climate. The air was kept very dry and a temperature of 89.6 degrees F was maintained.
Blood tests were run before admittance and the major abnormalities noted were...
1.) The sedimentation rate in the blood was very high.
2.) The blood was a dark, unhealthy hue.
3.) The oxygen saturation of the blood in the veins was a very low average of 52%.
At the end of one hundred days, blood tests were again taken. These are some of the findings...
1.) The sedimentation rate was greatly reduced.
2.) The dark, unhealthy hue of the blood was replaced by the red color physicians have noted in primitive people in various areas who are free from degenerative disease. This red color indicates a high oxygen level. This has been noted in Eskimos, Hunzas, natives of the hinterland of Australia and some tribes of Africa. Degenerative diseases are almost unknown to them.
3.) The oxygen saturation of the blood in the veins had risen from 52% to an extremely satisfactory 82%
4.) The bacteria found in the throats of the rheumatic fever patients had disappeared.
The disappearance of the bacteria was because these organisms cannot live in an atmosphere dominated by oxygen. Apparently the significant point was overlooked in this study: The bacteria would have been destroyed upon invasion of the body had there been an abundance of oxygen present. Thus no bodily damage from their presence could have taken place. Also, oxygen dissolved the sediment. Here again, the presence of adequate oxygen would have barred the formation of this sediment in the first place.

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