Use this option to specify the dimensions of the PostScript page in dots per inch or a TEXT page or GIF image in pixels. The page parameter looks like this:
<width>{%}x<height>{%}{!}{<}{>}The choices for a Postscript page are:
11x17 792 1224 Ledger 1224 792 Legal 612 1008 Letter 612 792 LetterSmall 612 792 ArchE 2592 3456 ArchD 1728 2592 ArchC 1296 1728 ArchB 864 1296 ArchA 648 864 A0 2380 3368 A1 1684 2380 A2 1190 1684 A3 842 1190 A4 595 842 A4Small 595 842 A5 421 595 A6 297 421 A7 210 297 A8 148 210 A9 105 148 A10 74 105 B0 2836 4008 B1 2004 2836 B2 1418 2004 B3 1002 1418 B4 709 1002 B5 501 709 C0 2600 3677 C1 1837 2600 C2 1298 1837 C3 918 1298 C4 649 918 C5 459 649 C6 323 459 Flsa 612 936 Flse 612 936 HalfLetter 396 612
For convenience you can specify the page size by media (e.g. A4, Ledger, etc.). Otherwise, the page option behaves much like the geometry option (e.g. -page letter+43+43>).
To position a GIF image, use +LEFT+TOP (e.g. -page +100+200).
The default page dimensions for a TEXT image is 612x792.