You can annotate your image with text. Optionally you can include the image filename, type, width, height, or other image attribute by embedding special format characters:

    %b   file size
    %d   directory
    %e   filename extention
    %f   filename
    %h   height
    %m   magick
    %p   page number
    %s   scene number
    %t   top of filename
    %w   width
    %x   x resolution
    %y   y resolution
    \n   newline
    \r   carriage return

For example,

  "%m:%f %wx%h"
produces an image annotation of MIFF:bird.miff 512x480 for an image titled bird.miff and whose width is 512 and height is 480.

To generate a Unicode character (TrueType fonts only), embed the code as an escaped hex string (e.g. \\0x30a3).

The location is the offset from the upper left hand corner of the image. The (x,y) offset of the location is conveniently specified as one value. For example if your text is located 30 pixels along the horizontal and 40 pixels along the vertical, use:


From this starting point the final text location is determined from the gravity attribute: NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, Center, East, SouthWest, South, and SouthEast. Center, for example, places text in the center of the image relative to the (x,y) offset. The text lines are centered in both the vertical and horizontal directions. The default gravity is NorthWest. Here is text begins, left to right, at the specified (x,y) offset.

Other attributes you can set are which color the text appears, the color of the text bounding color, the text font, its size, and what angle to display the text. The color is specified by its name (e.g. red, white, blue) or a hex value (e.g. #c0d1bf). MagickStudio contacts your X server for any fonts it needs. You may may need to permit the remote server access otherwise Postscript fonts are used. In most cases, X font rendering is much faster than with Postscript. The point size gives the height of the text when rendered with Postscript fonts. Finally, the angle of the text is specified in degrees, 0 to 360.
