
Tutorial Templates
(Teaching Templates)
(with Mr. C's approval)

Light Effects and Morphimation:

This page is written as a experiment to use:
Nef's Light Effects Images
Thank you Nef for another great page
for alternative image effects

This is the base test image.
This is my 1st try at this idea.
Once we get the basics down
then we can fine tune it. I think
it will provide some interesting effects


First thing I TINT the lite effects images
You do that under the F/x tab
For lite2.jpg I use the hex color code of = cdad00

From this To this:
lite2.jpg tint-cdad00lite2.jpg

For lite6.jpg I use the hex color code of = ffd700
From this To this:
lite6.jpg tint-ffd700lite6.jpg

Then I composite multiply the light effect image
Center with the tinted lite 6 on the face.jpg

On output I save to the clipboard

On the 2nd comp multiply I use these settings:


Gravity = Center

rotate 40%

Background color BLACK

If you don't define the background color then
in those areas that are not covered by the
composite image, they will turn white by default.

To composite your image, press Browse and select your image file or enter the Uniform Resource Locator of your image. Next, choose the location of the composite image and the type of composite operation. Finally, press composite to continue.



Offset Gravity

Press to your image or the form.

Optional Composite Attributes

Blend Compose

Rotate Background Color

Miscellaneous options:

Then to F/X to morph 1 frame and output
Here is that result:


This tutorial written courtesy of:


ArborHosting ImageMagick

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