Tutorial Templates
(Teaching Templates)
(with Mr. C's approval)
The above Image is 209x194
I want to "CHOP" 44 out in height,
the width of the image.
Completed image:
These are the Parameters I used to do this:
This is how I got the above Parameters
0 = The amount I want to cut out of the width
44 = The amount I want to cut out of the height.
105 = The width of the image divided in half which is 209
75 = The height of the completed "CHOPped" image
.......divided in half which was 194 to start with:
150 divided by 2 = 75
This still confooses me!
So I asked for some help
This is what Lee posted and it does work.
I am just pasting this here for now.
I will do it up proper when I have the time.
Re: Chop ?'s I get so confoosled--I DID IT - I DID IT
May 14, 2005, 8:37am
I can't believe I did it.
What I did was point and click.
I put the arrow just to the top left of the white circle,
got 2 numbers 138,138
Clicked arrow to the bottom right of the white circle
and got 162,162
I then subtracted the 276 (twice the 138)
from 300 and got 24
Went to Tranform and put in 0x24+138+138
and voila the white circle was GONE BABY
I just used the first number since it was going
to take off an even amount.